View the final Symposium program
The UC Davis C-STEM Center, Redlands Unified School District, University of Redlands, and partners have collaborated to organize the 2020 Symposium on Integrated Computing and STEM Education on February 24, 2020. Educators across California are invited to this one-day event packed with inspiring speeches and hands-on sessions about transforming math, CS, and CTE education with coding and robotics.
Experienced C-STEM teachers will share their insights and strategies for integrating C-STEM coding and robotics into classroom teaching. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore C-STEM curriculum, strategies, resources, and robotics with Arduino and Linkbots. Seasoned administrators will expose the impacts and successes of C-STEM hands-on learning and discuss long-term benefits and adaptability of the program.

Photos from this year’s Symposium are available
Keynote and Plenary Speakers
Equity in Math and CS Education by Closing the Math Achievement Gap
Keynote Speaker: Tim Taylor, Executive Director, Small School District Association
Superintendents Plenary Panel Session
Experienced C-STEM Superintendents will discuss how the C-STEM program has a lasting impact on student engagement and performance district-wide. They will also share insights on how new districts can start integrating C-STEM coding and robotics to close the math achievement gap.
Moderator: Dr. Jose Lalas, Professor and Director, Center for Educational Justice, University of Redlands
Superintendent Mauricio Arellano, Redlands Unified School District
Superintendent Randal S. Bassett, Fontana Unified School District
Superintendent Cynthia Parulan-Colfer, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District
Teachers Plenary Panel Session: Teaching Math and CTE with Coding and Robotics
C-STEM Teachers will share their experience getting started with the C-STEM program, how they integrate coding and robotics into their classroom curriculum, and the direct effect that hands-on learning has on student behavior and success.
Moderator: Julie Swan, Director, Secondary Education, Redlands Unified
Allen Thoe, High School Math and CS Teacher, Redlands Unified School District. Allen’s C-STEM work is highlighted here.
Pamela Matea, Middle School Math Teacher, Fontana Unified School District
Samantha Higbee, Middle School Math Teacher, Hacienda La Puente USD
16 Unique Breakout Sessions
Many hands-on breakout sessions will expose attendees to C-STEM curriculum by guiding them through using Linkbots, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, RoboBlockly, and Computer Programming and integrating these tools into math, science, engineering, computer science, and robotics classrooms and afterschool programs. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn how C-STEM’s free GIRL/GIRL+ camps and annual level-playing-field RoboPlay Competition are supporting students of ALL backgrounds. Some sessions are offered multiple times.
Bring your own computer, take knowledge and know-how to your classroom for hands-on learning.
Breakout Sessions on Learning Math with Coding and Robotics
- Promising Results and Strategies for Integrated Teaching of Math and CS in Compliance with Both Common Core Math and CS Standards
- Engaging Students Learning K-12 Math with Computing and Robotics: Open the Gate for STEM Careers
- RoboPlay Competition and GIRL/GIRL+ Camps
- [Hands-On] RoboBlockly for Engaging the Absolute Beginner in Computing, Robotics, and Math
- [Hands-On] Integrating C-STEM Coding and Robotics into K-5 Math
- [Hands-On] Integrating C-STEM Coding and Robotics into Grades 6-8 Math
- [Hands-On] Integrating C-STEM Coding and Robotics into Integrated Math I, II, & III
Breakout Sessions on Coding and Robotics with Linkbot and Arduino
- C-STEM for CTE, Computer Science, and NGSS-Aligned Science Education
- [Hands-On] Integrating Robotics into AP Computer Science Principles
- [Hands-On] Arduino: Introduction to Basic Electronics and Creative Problem Solving for Physical Computing
- [Hands-On] Getting Started with Hands-on C-STEM Coding, Robotics, and Curriculum for the Absolute Beginner
- [Hands-On] Sensor-Based Robotics
- [Hands-On] Full STEAM Ahead: Creating Art, Animations, Music, and a STEAM Makerspace in your school.
Expo, Makerspace, and Student Showcase
Take advantage of the Expo and Makerspace hosted by students from Redlands USD to learn the basics or explore the creative possibilities of robotics, coding, and integrated math education. Whether you missed a breakout session and need further explanation on a subject or want to experience exciting new projects, the Expo is the perfect place to learn from the C-STEM students and gain further hands-on experience. Visit during registration, coffee breaks, lunch, or in between breakout sessions! Visit the Makerspace at the Expo to try building your own robot and Arduino projects. Our C-STEM students will be on hand to eagerly answer your questions and provide assistance.
Details & Registration
Date & Time: February 24, 2020, 8:00am – 4:00pm
Location: University of Redlands, Orton Center, 1200 E Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92373
Hosted By: Redlands Unified School District and University of Redlands
Organized By: 2020 C-STEM Symposium Organizing Committee
Please register through our Eventbrite page. Breakfast and lunch are included.
- $75 – Early Bird through January 24th, 2020
- $100 – Standard registration through
February 10, 2020Extended to February 14, 2020.
To register via Purchase Order send a PO to UC Davis C-STEM Center including the attendees’ full names and email addresses to orders@c-stem.ucdavis.edu.
Travel & Hotel
Ayres Hotel, Redlands:
- A block of rooms have been reserved at Ayres Hotel in Redlands for February 23rd at a UOR discounted rate (15%)
- To reserve a room from the block, please call Ayres Hotel front desk at (909) 335-9024 and request a room from Group Block 1267
- The number of available reserved rooms is limited, please reserve rooms promptly
C-STEM Symposium Articles
- University of Redlands is proud to have hosted the first C-STEM Symposium in collaboration with UC Davis and Redlands USD. Read UOR’s weekly newsletter to hear educators share their experience with the symposium and the C-STEM Program!
Check out The California Aggie to read how the UC Davis C-STEM Center works to close achievement gap in mathematics education!