Success Stories on Transforming Math Education and Closing the Math Achievement Gap
The innovative C-STEM program using Barobo Linkbot has been successfully implemented in many schools for engaging students learning computing and STEM. It has been particularly effective in helping students hands-on learning math with computing and robotics to address the challenges on K-12 math education. The following successful stories by teachers with no prior coding experience before working with C-STEM Center, with independent data collection and analysis, are highlighted in this flyer. They demonstrate that, for at-risk and gifted students alike, C-STEM program can significantly increase math performance and close the achievement gap.
McPherson Magnet K-8 School increases SBAC Math Scores by 72% over 4 years
McPherson Magnet K-8 school sees increases in math scores for SBAC standard math test every year since they’ve adopted C-STEM Robotics. Scores have risen from 51% to 88% of their students meeting or exceeding the math standards in 3rd grade, which were the highest 3rd grade math scores among 27 elementary schools in Orange USD!
10% Higher Math Scores for C-STEM Students at Redlands USD
In collaboration with the UC Davis C-STEM Center, Redlands USD has worked with teachers and administrators to build the capacity to integrate coding and robotics into their math classrooms while maintaining a focus on the Common Core Math standards. Assessment results are now showing approximately 10% higher results for students in the C-STEM math courses versus general math courses!
A C-STEM School in Hacienda La Puente USD Reached Nearly 100% Homework Completion Rate in Distance Learning During the Pandemic
For distance learning during the pandemic in Los Altos Elementary at Hacienda La Puente USD, completion rates with the C-STEM curriculum were near 100% in classes compared to most other assignments, which would vary from 30 to 70% completion. The C-STEM experience has transformed the lives of their students. It was the highlight of the year!
Livermore High School: Closing the Algebra 1 Achievement Gap
An Algebra 1 class of 84% at-risk students at Livermore High School earned an 83% average on the Livermore Valley Joint USD exam after implementing C-STEM Algebra 1 with Computing and Robotics curriculum, compared to the district wide average of 68%. 100% of students in the class passed the course, and have passed subsequent math courses on Geometry and Algebra 2.
American Canyon Middle School: Students Shine on Smarter Balanced Math Test
33% of students in Napa Valley USD and 38% in American Canyon Middle School school met or exceeded the common core standards for the Smarter Balanced math test. In Tammy Lee’s C-STEM Integrated Math 1 class, 94% of the class exceeded, 6% met the standard, and 37% scored a perfect 2082, the highest score possible.
Cincinnati, Ohio: Improving Math Scores and Attitudes in Middle Schools
In the 2016-2017 school year, 14% more of C-STEM students scored proficient or higher on the Ohio Computer Based Assessments for Math. Additionally, 77% of the students in the Applied Math class using C-STEM curriculum passed the 8th grade Math AIR assessment versus 16% of the students in Applied Math who passed in the previous year that were not using C-STEM curriculum.
Hillcrest High School: Success on Integrated Math 2
After working with the C-STEM Program, students at Hillcrest High School regularly performed at a higher level on common formative assessments that were given throughout the site. 94% of its students in C-STEM Integrated Math II earned passing marks, compared to the site average of 61% passing rate in non C-STEM Integrated Math II courses.
Roosevelt Middle School: Success on RoboPlay Challenge Competition
In 2015, Roosevelt Middle School in Oakland USD participated for the first time in the C-STEM Day RoboPlay Challenge Competition, where the team ended up winning 3rd place. The school has now fully embraced the C-STEM program and is providing computer science education through the C-STEM curriculum for all students.