Ch: The Simplest Possible Computing in C/C++
from SoftIntegration
Download the textbook: Learning Computer Programming with Ch for the Absolute Beginner
- A C/C++ interpreter with interactive capabilities
- Easy to master by instructors and students
- Ideal for classroom use, making beginners’ learning experiences more enjoyable and fostering students’ interest in STEM disciplines
- Aids learning the most widely used programming language, C/C++, in both industry and colleges and prepares students to be career and college ready
- Can be used for controlling robotics and learning programming and STEM subjects
- Supports easy graphical plotting and quick animation capabilities
- Has a user-friendly development environment (ChIDE) with syntax highlighting and debugging capabilities
- Supports most C++ features for object-based programming
- Runs in Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Raspberry Pi
- The textbook in PDF file “Learning Computing Programming with Ch for the Absolute Beginner” is included in the C-STEM Studio and freely available.
All these different robots of Linkbot, NXT, and EV3 can be controlled simultaneously by a single Ch program.