Q: How do I control hardware NXT/EV3 from RoboBlockly for Windows and MacOSX ?
A: You need C-STEM Studio version 5.0 or higher to control hardware linkbots. Below is the instruction on how to control NXT/EV3 hardware from RoboBlockly.
(1) download and install C-STEM Studio v5.0 from C-STEM web site.
(2) Launch Ch Mindstormes Controller from C-STEM Studio as usual to connect NXT/EV3 with your machine.
(3) Launch RooboBlockly by clicking RoboBlockly menu on the top left inside C-STEM Studio (Note, not from a regular browser).
(4) Drag a NXT/EV3 block such as driveDistance() to Workspace
(5) Click “Run” to move both virtual on the grid and hardware NXT/EV3 at the same time.
(6) If you cannot control hardware NXT/EV3 when click “Run”, click “Save Ch” to save a program roboblockly.ch in C-STEM Studio->Student Homework->RoboBlockly folder and launch it in ChIDE. Then click “Run” in ChIDE, it shall display any error message for you to debug the problem.
Q: My program cannot connect to NXT or EV3. What should I do?
A: Make sure the firmware is updated when prompted. Make sure the robot is set to bluetooth connection, instead of iPhone connection, based on the instructions.
Q: I am able connect to EV3, but it is not responding.
A: Make sure the iPhone/iPad/iPod option is unchecked for Bluetooth configuration of the EV3 and NXT under the setting menu.
Q: I am using a NXT with a lot different computers. Now I am not able to pair the NXT with a computer.
A: One possible reason is the contract on the NXT is full. One NXT can be paired with a limited number of computers stored in its contracts. Follow steps below to delete some contracts that no longer need.
- Navigate to “Bluetooth” using the “>” button on the NXT brick.
- Push the orange button twice to go into Bluetooth->My Contracts.
- Push the orange button to select each entry in the contracts.
- Use “<” button to select the “trash can” icon for deleting the entry.
- Delete as many entries as you want and try the NXT again.
Note: you will need to remove the NXT from the computer side as well as described below. Otherwise, it may not work with the computers that were on the contracts before.
Q: How do I remove a NXT/EV3 from a Windows Machine?
- Press Windows key + X.
- Click on “Device Manager” from the popup window.
- Click on “Hidden Devices” from the “View” menu of the “Device Manager” window.
- Double click the Bluetooth icon from the “Device Manager” window.
- Find your NXT/EV3 under the Bluetooth icon
- Right click on the entry and click uninstall.
Q: How do I remove a NXT/EV3 from a MacMachine?
- Hold down the option key on your Mac’s keyboard.
- Click on the Bluetooth menu. Notice that the Bluetooth menu looks different. It provides more detailed information about Bluetooth firmware, address, and provides an option to export a report to your desktop.
- Select the device you wish to remove from the Bluetooth menu and a popup menu will appear.
- Click Remove and the Mac will ask you if you’re sure you want to remove the device.
- Click the Remove button to confirm.