8:30am – 5:00pm, Saturday & Sunday, November 2-3, 2013
1062 Bainer Hall, UC Davis Campus
Robotics can easily get students engaged and excited in learning science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts with fun. The UC Davis C-STEM Center and its industrial partners have developed an innovative modular robotics technology called Linkbot for integrating computing, robotics, and engineering into K-12 math and science education. Like LEGO, Linkbot is designed as a building block. However, a single Linkbot module is a fully functional four-degrees-of-freedom modular robot. This full mobility allows a Linkbot to perform a multitude of novel robot locomotion, including inch-worming, rolling, arched rolling, turning, tumbling, and standing up. Multiple Linkbot modules can be interconnected into various geometries for different applications, such as a snake, four-legged walker, humanoid, gorilla, space explorer. This C-STEM Robotics Academy provides professional development for math/technology/engineering/science teachers with the cutting-edge robotics and teaching technology to engage students on critical thinking and collaborative learning of math, science, and engineering with the 21st century career skills. The academy will train teachers on computer-aided problem solving using a user-friendly C/C++ interpreter Ch and Linkbot to integrate computing and robotics into SETM classroom teaching and afterschool programs. This Robotics Academy will also explore teaching Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry with algebraic and computational thinking by solving real-world problems and close the achievement gap in math and science education.
Intended Audience
This Academy is geared toward grades 5-12 teachers and afterschool program paraeducators teaching Algebra Readiness, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, as well as other math, science, and engineering courses. More specifically:
- Teachers who are interested in learning new ways to engage students in analytical thinking and problem solving skills where traditional methods have failed.
- Teachers who want to teach “at risk” students using hands-on, engaging and fun activities and project-based methods in the areas of math, science, engineering, and technology to close the achievement gap.
- Teachers who want to teach “gifted” students to excel in math and science with hands-on activities and project-based methods.
- Teachers looking to increase their use of computers and innovative technology as a teaching and learning tool.
- Teachers interested in providing students with 21st century skills for study, career, and life.
- Teachers interested in integrating project-based learning with the new Common Core Math Standards in their classroom teaching.
- Afterschool teachers and paraeducators who are interested in providing their students with hands-on STEM related activities in afterschool and out-of-the-school programs.
Outcome for Trainees’ Students
- Through a set of interactive computing and applied problem solving activities in a C/C++ interpreter Ch, students will gain a better understanding of abstract math concepts and computer programming and their applications
- Students will learn the fundamentals and underlying working principles of engineering, computing, robotics, and robot programming for problem solving
- Students will be able to learn other STEM subjects more effectively with computational thinking and computer-aided problem solving skills.
- Students will be able to participate in RoboPlay Competitions on UC Davis C-STEM Day on May 17, 2014, learning team work and communication skills, as shown in sample videos below. RoboPlay is designed for K-12 students to play with robots while exploring their creativity in writing, art, music, choreography, design, and film making and at the same time seamlessly learn and apply computing and STEM concepts in solving practical problems.
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Cost: $200/teacher before October 18, 2013; $225/teacher after October 18, 2013.
- Payment for the training has to be done by check made out to “The Regents of the University of California”.
- We must have received your payment before instruction has begun on November 2 in order for you to be able to participate. Checks can be brought in person on the morning of November 13, fifteen minutes before the instruction.
- Registration covers instruction, supplementary textbooks, teaching materials, software licenses for teaching, morning beverage, lunch, and UC Davis C-STEM Center support for implementation of the program
- A Laptop running Windows is necessary during the training. Please bring a laptop with you for participation in the academy.
- Housing: A discounted rate for housing is available at Aggie Inn and several other hotels in nearby downtown Davis and UC Davis Conference Center for teachers attending the training organized by the UC Davis C-STEM Center.
- Linkbots will be provided during the training. If you would like to purchase Linkbots for use in your classroom, please do so at the Barobo online store
- Parking is free in Parking Lot 44 and Visitor’s Parking Lot 47 near Bainer Hall. You can get the driving Directions to UC Davis here.
Deadline for early registration: October 18, 2013 to secure a spot at $200
After October 18, 2013 registration is $225.
Registration is available: Register
Space is limited; please sign up early to reserve your spot.
- An optional $115 for 1.5 Continuing Education Unit quarter credits from UC Davis Extension. Credits request forms available on the first day of the class. Completed forms with checks are due by the end of the class.
- 16 Professional Development Credit hours upon training completion for teachers in Yolo County (Sacramento and other counties pending).
Harry Cheng, Professor and Director, UC Davis C-STEM Center
Kevin Gucwa, Director Assistant, UC Davis C-STEM Center
The UC Davis K-14 Outreach Center for Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM)
UC Davis C-STEM Center, Yolo County Office of Education, Sacramento County Office of Education, and California AfterSchool Network
Financial Supporter
National Science Foundation under the Grant No. CNS-1132709, IIS-1256780, and IIS-1208690
Heidi Espindola, Project Manager
UC Davis K-14 Outreach Center for Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM)
Univeristy of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 752-9082
Email: hespindola(AT)ucdavis(DOT)edu
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