MESA 2011

The 7th International ASME/IEEE Conference on Mechatronics & Embedded Systems & Applications
August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA

About MESA

The MESA Conferences, organized by the MESA Committee, are primarily cosponsored by

and technically cosponsored by other organizations. The MESA conference is organized by ASME and IEEE alternately every other year.

In odd numbered years, the MESA Committee sponsors the ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (ASME/IEEE MESA) held within the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences / Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences (IDETC/CIE) mainly organized by the ASME. IEEE is the non-financial cosponsor of the ASME/IEEE MESA Conference.

In even numbered years, the MESA Committee cosponsors the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (IEEE/ASME MESA) mainly organized by the IEEE. ASME is the non-financial cosponsor of the IEEE/ASME MESA Conference.

Best papers presented at the conference are invited for submission for possible publication in special issues in IEEE and ASME Transaction Journals.

MESA History

  1. The 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA10), July 15-17, 2010, Qingdao, China.
  2. The 2009 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA09), August 30 - September 2, 2009, San Diego, California.
  3. The 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA08), October 12-15, 2008, Beijin, China.
  4. The 2007 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA07), September 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  5. The 2006 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA06), August 13-16, 2006, Beijin, China.
  6. The 2005 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA05), September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, California.