Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA) Technical Committee |
The Executive Members, Advisory Members, Subcommittee Chairs, Symposium Chairs, and MembersOfficers and Executive Members of the MESA CommitteeChairTapio Heikkilä Systems Engineering VTT - Technical Research Centre Of Finland Ltd PO Box 1100 FI 90571 Oulu Finland Email: Tel: +358 20 722 2406
Vice Chair
Immediate Past Chair
Members of the Advisory CommitteeDavid M. Auslander, Univercity of California, Berkeley, USAKevin C. Craig, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA C.S. George Lee, Purdue University, USA Ren C. Luo, National Chung Cheng University, China Bahram Ravani, Univercity of California, Davis, USA Bruno Siciliano, Universita' di Napoli Fderico II, Italy Maarten Steinbuch, TU/e Eindhoven, Netherlands Jianrong Tan, Zhehiang University, China T. J. Tarn, Washington University, USA Masayoshi Tomizuka, U. of California, Berkeley, USA Fei-Yue Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Univ. of Arizona, USA Chairs of the MESA SubcommitteesTBD |
Integration Engineering Laboratory | UCD |