MAE225 --- Spatial Kinematics and Robotics

Harry H. Cheng, Professor

Welcome to MAE225, Spatial Kinematics and Robotics. This page contains links to all information related to the class including the policies, syllabus, and assignments. Most of the questions you have regarding this course are answered here.

General information about this course such as grading policy, midterm, final examination, and the submission process for assignments can be found by "clicking" on the General Policy selection in the menu below. Similarly, information about the outline of material covered is given in syllabus. In the section following class information, the description of each assignment can be found.

Class Information

  • General Policy
  • Information for Submitting Computer Homework
  • Essential Resources for this course
  • Industrial Robotic Manipulators and Autonomous Mobile Robotic System

    Click on the images below to be taken to sample robotic systems.

    Integration Engineering Laboratory
    Created by Harry H. Cheng, 3/26/2007