Research at IEL
Research Programs
Research Areas
Our interdisciplinary research is focused on robotics, intelligent mechatronic systems, networked embedded systems, innovative design for 3D printing, and integrated computing and STEM education. Students with a minor in Computer Science are especially encouraged to apply to join the research team.

Current Research Projects

  1. Innovative Design of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems
  2. Development of open architecture robotic platforms
  3. iMobot --- An Intelligent Reconfigurable Modular Robot.
  4. Mobile-C --- A Multi-Agent Platform for Mobile Agent Based Computing Using Mobile C/C++ Agents and its Applications.
  5. RoboSim: simulation software for educational robots
  6. Programming with Lego Mindstorms NXT and EV3 with Ch.
  7. Integrating Computing and Robotics into STEM Education for Integrated Learning.
  8. Arduino programming using Ch
  9. Embedded systems networking for task coordination
Past Research Projects
  1. Finch Robot Interactive Programming
  2. Pose Training for Robotic Toys.
  3. Laser-Based Non-Intrusive Detection of Delineations of Vehicles for Measurement of True Travel Time on the Highway, Primary Sponsor: California PATH Program, California Department of Transportation.
  4. Task-Level Programming for Manipulation of Multiple Robots, Primary Sponsor: National Science Foundation.
  5. Open-Architecture Integration for Agile Manufacturing, Primary Sponsor: National Science Foundation
  6. Mobile Platform for Overhead Detectors of Road Vehicles, Primary Sponsor: California PATH Program, California Department of Transportation.
  7. Interactive Motion Control, Primary Sponsor: Delta Tau Data Systems Inc.
  8. Web-Based Interactive Distance Learning Tools for Design and Manufacturing, Primary Sponsor: Undergraduate Instructional Improvement Program, UCD.
  9. Ch MPI: Interpretive Parallel Computing in C.
  10. Integration of Portable XML Data and Portable C/C++ Code.
  11. Computer-Adied Mechanism Design and Analysis Using ChExcel.
  12. Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Quick Return Mechanisms.

Research Facilities
The laboratory is currently equipped with many robot platforms, including two industrial robot manipulators Puma 560 which can be remotely manipulated through the network and IBM 7575. The current research of the laboratory focuses on reconfigurable modular robots to promote engineering to high school and middle school students. The first version the modular robot called iMobot was developed in 2009. A variety of add-ons can be 3D printed and attached to the modular robots to further increase its versatility and functionality. A Stratasys uPrint SE Plus 3D print is available in the lab for conduct various research projects.

Currently, the graduate research in the lab utilizes more advanced robots such as the NXT, EV3, Sparki, and Fintch. These are lego mindstorm products and ArcBotics with a broad array of sensors so that they can be controlled in a variety of ways. These robots typically run 32-bit programmable microcontroller to interactive servo motors through a wireless bluetooth connection. Our graduate students maintain the original platforms of these robots, but expand their sensor capabilities, develop new GUIs specific to operate them, and make them compatible with Ch commands.

Major Sponsors of the Research Programs