Grashof Crank-Rocker

This type of Grashof linkage is obtained when the shortest link is the input link (r2). The input link has full motion. The output link has a limited range of motion that is defined as follows:

lower limit: theta4 = 180 + theta1 - theta4''

upper limit: theta4 = 180 + theta1 - theta4'

where theta4' = acos [ ( r1^2 + r4^2 - ( r3 - r2 ) ^2 ) / ( 2 * r1 * r4 ) ]


theta4'' = acos [ ( r1^2 + r4^2 - (r3 + r2)^2 ) / (2*r1*r4) ]

To see animations of this linkage select the links below:

Copyright © 1995 UC Davis Integration Engineering Laboratory
Last time modified, 4/18/1996