LaTeX template for ASME DSC 2008 conference papers

Changes from the standard ASME template:
  1. Removal of all headers using the cleanhead option
  2. Removal of all footers using the cleanfoot option
  3. Text width change by 1pt to comply with right margin restrictions

Download the following two files and replace the existing files in the original ASME conference LaTeX template.

asme2e.cls Conference LaTeX class file
asme2e.tex Example conference LaTeX file
asme2e.pdf Example conference PDF file

Authors must use the following in their LaTeX file:

The sample conference PDF, which passes the online provided PDF test, was created using standard LaTeX under Linux. Using other LaTeX applications, such as PDFLatex or MikTex, can have a drastic affect on margins. Margins can be modified using the following commands:

These commands should be placed in the LaTeX file and are independent of the provided LaTeX template. More information on LaTeX and margins can be found by doing a Google search using latex margins.