3D printer an open-architecture robot RoboSim: simulation software for educational robots infrastructure software


The Integration Enginnering Laboratory (IEL) at UC Davis was created to study the integration of mechanical and electrical systems with informaton technology and computer science. The laboratory addresses all the aspects involved in developing a robotic and mechatronic system, from designing mechanical components to control systems and custom software developement.


The main focus of the laboratory is to develop new open-architecture, reconfigurable and adaptive robotic systems. Modular and reconfigurable Robots developed at the IEL use state-of-the art mechatronic components and sensors and are controlled by microcontrollers with open-architecture. The laboratory has many commercial robotic systems and studies them to develop new robotic architectures and applications. The laboratory is equipped with a 3D printer for rapid prototyping of new mechanical designs. All the systems developed at the IEL are programmed using the C/C++ programming language and the C/C++ interpreter Ch. This homogeneous programming framework can symultaneously control heterogeneous robotic platforms.


The robotic platforms developed at the IEL are applied in different fields: K-12 Education through the UC Davis C-STEM Center, autonomous navigation, mobile agents computing, robotic simulation and web-based conputing.

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