Software and Documentations
The official LaTeX macros and templates
for formatting an ASME journal or conference paper
C-STEM Studio,
a platform for hands-on integrated learning of computing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (C-STEM) with robotics.
a web-based robot simulation environment for learning coding and math.
C/C++ interpreter --- Ch
Ch is an embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross-platform
scripting, shell programming, 2D/3D plotting, numerical
computing, and embedded scripting. C/Ch/C++ allow users
to use one language, anywhere and everywhere, for any
programming tasks.
Mobile Agent Based Computing and Its Applications.
Web-Based Computing, CAD/CAM, and Distance Learning.
Integration of Portable XML Data and Portable C/C++ Code.
Interactive Motion Control.
Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Quick Return Mechanisms.
Computer-Adied Mechanism
Design and Analysis Using ChExcel.
Using Ch with Autolev to solve dynamics equations.