% BibTeX database for the paper asme2e.tex %% bibtexfile{ %% author = "Harry H. Cheng", %% version = "2", %% date = "January 01, 2003", %% filename = "asme2e.bib", %% address = "Integration Engineering Laboratory %% Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering %% University of California %% Davis, CA 95616", %% telephone = "(530) 752-5020 (office) %% (530) 752-1028 (lab) %% (530) 752-4158 (Fax:)", %% email = "" } @article{art, author = "A. Author and B. Author and C. Author", title = "Article title", journal = "Journal {N}ame", volume = 1, number = 5, pages = "1--3", month = "May", year = 1994} @book{latex, author = "L. Lamport", title = "\LaTeX: a Document Preparation System", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1986, address = "Reading, MA"} @book{goosens, author = "M. Goosens and F. Mittelbach and A. Samarin", title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, MA", year = 1994} @booklet{blt, author = "A. Booklet", title = "Booklet title", howpublished = "On the WWW", address = "at \verb+http://www.abc.edu+", note = "PDF file", month = "May", year = 1994} @inbook{ibk, editor = "A. Inbook", title = "Book title", chapter = 1, pages = "1--3", volume = 2, series = "{Series Title}", edition = "$1^{st}$", type = "{Chap.}", publisher = "Publisher {N}ame", address = "Publisher address", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+", year = 1991} @incollection{icn, author = "A. Incollection", title = "Article title", editor = "A. Editor", booktitle = "Collection {T}itle", chapter = 1, pages = "1--3", volume = 2, series = "Series title", month = "May", edition = "$3^{rd}$", type = "{C}hapter", publisher = "Publisher {N}ame", address = "Publisher address", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+", year = 1991} @inproceedings{ips, author = "A. Inproceedings", title = "Article title", editor = "A. Editor and B. Editor", booktitle = "Proceedings {T}itle", volume = "{\bf 1}", series = "Series name", pages = "1--3", address = "Publisher address", month = "May", organization = "Organization {N}ame", publisher = "Publisher {N}ame", note = "Paper number 1234", year = 1991} @manual{asmemanual, author = "{ASME}", title = "{ASME} Manual {MS-4}, An {ASME} Paper", organization = "The American Society of Mechanical Engineers", edition = "latest", address = "New York", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.asme.org/pubs/MS4.html+", year = 2003} @mastersthesis{mts, author = "A. Mastersthesis", title = "{Thesis Title}", school = "University of Higher Education", year = 2003, type = "{MS Thesis}", address = "Cambridge, {MA}", month = "May", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+"} @misc{mis, author = "A. Misc", title = "Miscellaneous {T}itle", howpublished = "On the WWW", month = "May", year = "2003", note = "URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+"} @phdthesis{pts, author = "A. Phdthesis", title = "{Thesis Title}", school = "University of Higher Education", year = 2003, type = "{PhD Thesis}", address = "Cambridge, {MA}", month = "May", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+"} @proceedings{pro, title = "Volume {T}itle", year = 1991, editor = "A. Proceedings", volume = 1, series = "Proceedings {S}eries", address = "Publisher address", month = "May", organization = "Organization {N}ame", publisher = "Publisher {N}ame", note = "See also URL \verb+http://www.abc.edu+"} @techreport{trt, author = "A. Techreport", title = "{Techreport title}", institution = "University of Higher Education", year = "2003", type = "Progress report", number = "1", address = "Cambridge, {MA}", month = "May", ntz#)BEMSbh.Kcy{ =P{