************** Question 1: Could you please send the information regarding importing encapsulated postscript (*.eps) files (figures) into your *.tex and *.sty (asme.tex or asme.sty) provided. What should be the command I should add to the file and in which file, in *.sty or *.tex. Usually I add \input epsf in my *.tex file. Please let me know this way of importing the figure is acceptable. Answer by Kirk Van Katwyk at Kirk_VanKatwyk@amat.com: You may use the 'epsfig' package to incorporate an encapsulated postscript figure into your document. To include the package in LaTeX2e, use "\usepackage{epsfig}" in the preamble of your document. Use "\epsfig{file=file.eps}" to incorporate the eps file in the figure environment. You may use width and/or height arguments to change the size of the original figure, e.g. "\epsfig{file=file.eps,width=3in}." If you are using LaTeX 2.09, use "\input{psfig}" in the preamble and use "\psfig{figure=file.eps}" to include the eps file. The height and width arguments are the same. ************** Question 2: I am current preparing a paper to be submitted in an ASME conference. There is a problem we are not able to solve. The problem is the display of lower case Greek bold face font. Normally, the command \mbox{\boldmath${ .... }$\unboldmath} will do it. However, using the ASME template, this command seem not function. I wonder if you had come across this problem before and would share you experience with us. Answer by Kirk Van Katwyk at Kirk_VanKatwyk@amat.com: In LaTeX2e, use the \mathbf{} command to make a bold math character. If that doesn't work, you will have to use an ams-LaTeX package. ************** Question 3: How can I get bold italics? Answer by Kirk Van Katwyk at Kirk_VanKatwyk@amat.com: try \newcommand{\bAC}{\mbox{$\mathbf{AC}$}} You could also try \textbf{\emph AC} ************** Question 3: I've been using your LaTeX2e asme2e.cls package to prepare a paper for an upcoming conference, but have been having some trouble with the fonts. I was wondering if I might be able to ask you for a bit of advice. It seems as if none of the headings, titles, etc, are showing up bold as they are supposed to. When I run LaTeX, I get the following... {co.eng.caltech.edu:7} latex paper.tex This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1) (paper.tex LaTeX2e <1994/12/01> patch level 1 (asme2e.cls Document Class: asme2e 1997/04/10 v1.0 Standard LaTeX document class (/ccovol/tex3/tex/latex/base/ifthen.sty) (/ccovol/tex3/tex/latex/packages/psnfss/times.sty) (/ccovol/tex3/tex/latex/packages/psnfss/mathptm.sty) (/ccovol/tex3/tex/latex/packages/psnfss/pifont.sty No file Upzd.fd. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/pzd/m/n ' undefined (Font) using `U/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 57. No file Upsy.fd. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/psy/m/n ' undefined (Font) using `U/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 58. ...and so on. I noticed in the README2 file that there were some issues pertaining to fonts. Apparently I need to make sure that a new font package (PSNFSS) is installed. Does LaTeX's call to (/ccovol/tex3/tex/latex/packages/psnfss/times.sty) imply that the sysadmins here have already done this? In any case, I tried to find the font packages at http://tug2.cs.umb.edu/ctan/tex-archive/macros/latex/packages/psnfss/ but that address appears to have expired. If it is just a matter of installing these fonts, do you know of a new address where I can get them? And if it doesn't seem to be just a problem of installing these fonts, do you have any ideas as to what might be wrong? Answer by Kirk Van Katwyk at Kirk_VanKatwyk@amat.com: The problem is the "pifont.sty" package uses the "Upzd.fd" and the "Upsy.fd" font description files, which are missing in your installation of psnfss. A quick fix is to download the missing files from CTAN. Point your browser to http://www.ctan.org and click on the search link to search for the two files. Download them to the same directory as your paper and rerun LaTeX2e. You should ask your system administratorsLwUw㍥1@GnƖ\i`(j1 (7: